1958 - Brother Clarence Cartwright was called to the ministry under the leadership of the late Bishop D. H. Shockley. Minister Cartwright and his wife, Sister Dorothy, began ministry efforts in Parksley, Virginia and later focused their ministry to the Greentop neighborhood of Lincoln. Bishop N.S. Heastie, of the National Temple Pentecostal Church of God, assisted Minister Cartwright in the work at Greentop. He was later ordained and assumed pastorship under Bishop Heastie.
1961 - Elder Cartwright acquired a church building in Lincoln, Delaware and continued the work.
1965 - Land was purchased and a new church was built.
1966 - The congregation moved into the new sanctuary.
1970 - Elder Cartwright was consecrated to the office of a bishop and later, appointed state overseer of the Pentecostal Church of God, Delaware and Maryland churches.
1974 - The Pentecostal Church of God of Lincoln, Inc. was reincorporated under Bishop Clarence Cartwright.
1976 - Bishop Cartwright founded the Pentecostal Church of God in Millsboro, Delaware where Elder Marion Hendricks was installed as pastor.
1979 - Bishop Cartwright further established a mission in Newark, Maryland.
1980 - Minister Willie Thomas was installed as the pastor in Newark, Maryland.
1981 - In August, the first convocation was held.
1982 - The construction of the present church in Lincoln began.
1983 - Minister Willie Thomas was ordained as elder. Also, the construction work of the present church in Millsboro began.

1989 - Elder Hendricks and the Millsboro congregation dedicated their new sanctuary.
1990 - Bishop Cartwright and the Lincoln congregation dedicated their new sanctuary.
1991 - Elder Marion Hendricks began the ministry in Pocomoke City, Maryland. He was assisted by Minister Carlton Cartwright.
1992 - Bishop Clarence Cartwright passed away. Elder Marion Hendricks assumed the office of Presiding Bishop of the Pentecostal Church of God of Lincoln, Inc.
August 1992 - Minister Carlton Cartwright was installed as Pastor of the Pentecostal Church of God of Lincoln in Pocomoke City, Maryland. Later, in 1994, he was ordained elder.
1995 - Bishop Hendricks assumed the pastorship of the Lincoln congregation; to date, he pastors both the Lincoln and Millsboro churches.
1990 - Bishop Cartwright and the Lincoln congregation dedicated their new sanctuary.
1991 - Elder Marion Hendricks began the ministry in Pocomoke City, Maryland. He was assisted by Minister Carlton Cartwright.
1992 - Bishop Clarence Cartwright passed away. Elder Marion Hendricks assumed the office of Presiding Bishop of the Pentecostal Church of God of Lincoln, Inc.
August 1992 - Minister Carlton Cartwright was installed as Pastor of the Pentecostal Church of God of Lincoln in Pocomoke City, Maryland. Later, in 1994, he was ordained elder.
1995 - Bishop Hendricks assumed the pastorship of the Lincoln congregation; to date, he pastors both the Lincoln and Millsboro churches.
From the beginning of the church under a small tent in a newly developed community called Greentop, to moving to various communities across Delmarva, God has been faithful. Since 1960, the Pentecostal Church of God of Lincoln continues to be a place of worship for all.

Join us every Sunday as we gather for Sunday School at 10:00 am and for Morning Worship at 11:45 am.